Well, I'm back, with the 4th volume in the "ever-so-popular" "ResEdit Hacks" series.
First and foremost, I have noticed that the description of the original ResEdit Hacks says that you need MacWrite II or Quill DA (which I would recommend downloading), and this may have dicouraged some of you from downloading it. This hack will allow you to view that file without either of these programs, and can be applied to other situations, as well.
1) Get info (w/ResEdit) for the file you want to change
Note: If you have "File Hacker," use it instead
2) Change the type/creator to "TEXT/ttxt" (case sensitive)
3) It is now a TeachText document
Next, changing the font a program uses
1) Open a COPY of the "victim" w/ResEdit, and look for a FONT or FOND resource
2) If you want to get rid of the font entirely, and use the system default, delete any FOND or FONT resource
Note: This is really good for MegaCalculator if you don't like trying to read San Francisco
Note: If you collect fonts (I have about 200), cut the resources and paste them into your System
3) If you just want to edit the font (like to make those stupid AOL fonts legible), open the FONT resource you want to edit (for AOL, it would be AppleLink 9 and 12 ,in the "Online Fonts" file), and go for it
Note: If you are using a color monitor, you might want to set it to black & white before doing this (not necessary)
*) An example of how you could change the AppleLink 9 font is in the resource fork of this file...check it out
Now, extracting sound resources (this can be applied to many other situations, as well)
Method 1- for small numbers of sounds or those of you with very large Systems (e.g. those which take 5+ minutes to open)
-Don't use this method if you want to access the sound through your system (e.g. system beep); best for use with SoundMaster
1) Copy each "snd" resource 1 AT A TIME, and paste them into SEPERATE, NEW files
2) Change the type/creator of each new file to "sfil/movr"
Method 2- for large numbers of sounds or those of you with very small Systems (e.g. those which take 1- minutes to open)
-Don't use this method if you want to access the sound through your system (e.g. system beep); best for use with SoundMaster
1) Copy ALL "snd" resources, and paste them into the System
2) Using the Finder, open the System
3) Highlight and drag all the sounds (together) to their new destination
Method 3- for any number of sounds to be accessed through the system (e.g. system beep)
1) Copy ALL "snd" resources, and paste them into the System